The Keys To Fighting Depression

"Know your enemy." It was the advice which the great Chinese Warrior Sun Tzu gave to his soldiers on the eve of battle, and which led them to many triumphs. It is also invaluable advice for anyone who is fighting depression. Only those who know the early signs of clinical depression will be in a position to seek treatment before it takes complete control of their lives. This may sound like wishful thinking to anyone who is fighting depression, simply Read More

Is S-adenosyl-L-methionine a Miracle Cure For Depression?

Not everyone who is depressed wants to take prescription drugs for depression. Some people experience unpleasant side effects with prescription antidepressants. Many people prefer to take natural substances instead of pharmaceutical drugs, whenever possible. Many people have heard about spectacular results for treating depression that have been achieved with a natural substance known as sam-e, or its other name, S-adenosyl-L-methionine. Sam-e is made natuarlly by our bodies, and it is found in many health food stores. So is sam-e, really Read More