Agitated Depression – The 6 Unique Symptoms

Most people have never heard of agitated depression but it does exist. It reveals itself in a way that is indicative of its name – moods of irritability, short temper and aggravation. Often times the condition presents itself as an anger management issue as the individual will have outbursts of anger and rage. Often times, the underlying feeling that they have is that they are misunderstood and that no one knows how they are feeling. This type of depression is Read More

Depression: Escape Your Mental Prison

There is an illness all around me in modern society that seems to be spreading like the Black Plague once did in Europe so long ago. It’s called depression, have you heard of it? Has it affected you? The more I look, the more I see it in so many people in my life, including myself. Depression sucks. It’s a real drag, and I mean real drag. It is different from the feelings of unhappiness that all humans have to Read More