How to Reduce Depression With Acupressure

Depression and anxiety are common conditions with seemingly more and more people suffering every day, affecting all aspects of life. Because depression can affect the personal life and professional life of an individual, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Sometimes a few sessions with a counsellor can work, but other times a psychiatrist is necessary. If medical interventions such as prescription drugs are taken, these can cause side effects. People who have been taking anti-depressants for Read More

How to Kill Depression Before It Kills You

Depression kills. Sadly, these people did not live to tell of its horrors – 16,467, aged between 45 and 85 +, almost half of the total deaths by suicide, across all ages, in the US in 2014, making it the country's 10th leading cause of deaths . The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention believes the figure could be higher if some families were not hesitant or reluctant to report a suicide in the family. Already traumatized by the loss of Read More