Sibling Rivalry Causes Depression in Mother’s Favorite Child: Study

Sibling rivalry has existed as long as families and has been a concern for most parents. Even though parents usually try to equally distribute their love among all their children, they do feel differently about them depending on their personalities, differing needs, dispositions and place in the family. Though they are known to be impartial, at times they may favor a child who they perceive to be similar to them, in terms of values and belief. Studies have revealed that Read More

Exploring the Link Between Chronic Sinus Infection and Depression

A stuffy nose and a prolonged irritable cough can make anyone feel low. Swollen, itchy eyes, accompanied by a constant feeling of pressure at the center of the forehead, can amplify mental stress and wreck one’s mood. Needless to say, the resulting headache and difficulty in breathing may cause feelings of despair, resulting in troubles with daily activities. A long-lasting sinus infection not only affects the tissues in teeth, face and jaw, causing excruciating pain, but also causes full-blown depression Read More