Diet Shmiet

I’ve searched my entire life for the perfect diet and tried just about every single one, from Atkins to Paleo, to the 4-Hour Body, to fasting. I’ve never been more than about five to ten pounds overweight at any given time, but the thought of letting it go beyond that scares the crap out of me, so I have become obsessive about diet and good nutrition. I have a pair of brown corduroy cutoff shorts from when I was eighteen. Read More

Best Diet For Healthy Weight Loss And Burn Fat Fast

Various quick weight loss tips and studies reveal that near 70 percent of the world’s population are either morbidly overweight or obese. There’s a lot of hype on losing weight and effective fat burning ways to lose weight fast today. It’s no wonder that more and more individuals who struggle with finding the best diet to lose fat and shed those pounds, become interested in different lose fat diet plans and weight reduction programs that are available now. Let’s look Read More