Time Management Techniques for School: How to Study

Education is a three-way street between teachers, students, and parents. Educating the youth of India is a task which should not be taken lightly and it is important that this education is delivered with scrutiny. Parents are the ones who have the sole right to know how the pupils and the schools are performing so that they can always keep themselves updated of the daily activities in the school. To analyze the performance of the school, Entab has developed a Read More

Turn a Physical Linux or Windows Machine Into A Virtual Machine for Free

We will be focusing on creating this masterpiece in the Windows environment, but don’t worry the same principles can be used in any operating system that can run Virtual Box. List of Software and Hardware needed: Software: -Virtual Box and Extension Pack -Windows 7 or higher PC or most any Linux Distro -Redo Backup and Recovery ISO -YUMI installer Hardware: -USB flash drive -USB hard drive The overall benefits of performing this procedure is three fold. One, cost savings on Read More