Planning Your Wedding Rehearsal Dinner

The great thing about a Rehearsal Dinner is that there are no set rules. Depending on your personality and budget you can create any type of dinner party you want. Traditionally the Rehearsal Dinner is hosted by the groom’s parents. But it is now becoming more common for the bride and groom to host their own dinner. If you are throwing your own party, here are some ideas you might want to consider. Formal Party A formal Dinner is nice Read More

Lemon Cheesecake – Memories of a Dinner Party

It is a lazy cold outside Saturday night; you are wrapped up in big cosy blanket on the sofa. The fire hisses and crackles as the red and orange flames lick the logs. You glance outside and see the frost starting to form on the grass. You grab the edge of the blanket and feel the soft fluffy sides between your fingers as you pull it up under your chin just as you hear the howling of the wind. This Read More