A Dinner Party With A Difference – Ever Had A Dominican Dinner Party?

This dinner party idea is inspired by site I got to read about Dominica. At another site I read that Dominica “is not your ordinary fun-in-the-sun kinda island. It’s a mysterious, romantic, natural island where you will encounter a French-Creole culture with the overtones of a British heritage”. Dominica is a small island located between the French islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Eastern Caribbean and this is definitely on my list of countries to visit. Whilst many of Read More

Exquisite Pork Recipe for Dinner

No matter how delicious a dish is, it will still be a bore to eat if your family keeps on having the same dish each day. Aside from the not-so-eager welcome that the dish gets from your family members, lack of variety can cause malnutrition. The usual meals might be lacking with essential nutrients that support growth and development. Moreover, an insufficient supply of vitamins and minerals can make one prone to infections or illnesses. He would also have decreased Read More