The Perfect Dinner Party – The Fab Five of Entertaining

I love to entertain and people always ask me what the secret is to throwing the perfect party. Today, I will focus on elements for a mid-sized dinner party for 6 to 12 people. Now, for any gathering to be successful, you will need what I call ‘the Fab Five’: Atmosphere, Drink, Food, Company and You. Atmosphere Creating an atmosphere for a successful event will include elements such as lighting, music, decor and any other elements that will enhance the Read More

How To Handle Thanksgiving Day Dinner Invitations

There was a time not long ago when the Thanksgiving Day meal was all about Family. Members of an immediate family would gather together, watch the parade on TV, eat the big meal and have sandwiches from the leftovers later that night. A few close relatives might show up early to help or just before mealtime and leave shortly afterward which was fine and expected, but no invitations were needed or necessary. Fast forward to today when the Thanksgiving Day Read More