How To Deliver A Really Entertaining After Dinner Speech – Multiple Speaking Intelligences Part Thre

Have you ever been asked do deliver an after dinner speech? I want you to imagine, a room full of 200 University track and field athletes from all over Australia. It is May 15th 1989 at 9.05 pm at the South Perth Civic Centre. The Vice-Chancellor and his wife are seated on the head table. Copious amounts of alcohol are being consumed by the athletes after three hard-days of competition which has now finished. The only events remaining are unofficial Read More

Easy Crock Pot Dinner Recipes That You Can’t Miss

In a world of fast food, microwaveable meals and take-out, it’s a good feeling to go home to a warm homemade meal that you can enjoy with the rest of your family. However, if you’re working full time, this is not always an option. That’s where the beauty of having a slow cooker comes in. You can prepare and throw in the ingredients in the pot before you leave for work then come home to a fully-cooked meal. Try these Read More