The Parable of the Dinner Guests Made Simple – Luke 14:15-24

In Luke 14:15-24 Jesus shares with his listeners the parable of a man having a dinner for all his friends. But all the friends would not come so the man sent the request to all people good and bad on the hi-ways and bi ways. This teaching brings this parable to life Luke 14:15-24 “A certain man gave a great supper and invited many; sending his servant at supper time to say to those who are invited, “Come, for all Read More

How to Have a Progressive Dinner Party On Board a Bus

Progressive dinners can be so much fun! Giving everyone the opportunity to visit with old neighbors and meet the new friends too. Everyone gets to show off their culinary skills, taste new dishes and hopefully have some of the favorites from years gone by.. Sometimes though, you want to spread the fun outside of your neighborhood, going from house to house in different suburbs. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a progressive dinner party with friends that don’t live in Read More