Fabulous Fondue is a Great Start to Any Dinner Party

It is said that the great French gourmet Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin brought the concept of fondue to the United States after the French Revolution. Since then, the fondue party has become a post-ski tradition. If you want the fondue party sans ski slopes, it can be used as the basis for just about any small gathering, especially during cold weather. The most important thing one needs to know when preparing fondue, is that it is only as good as the Read More

How to Create a Great Dinner When You Forgot to Thaw Something Again

It happens to all of us – you forget to take something out of the freezer for dinner. Heck, I’m not a morning person. It’s hard enough for me to get my butt out the door on time – let alone be thinking about dinner first thing in the morning. Yeah, me! Fresh food fanatic. So what’s the first thing you do? Most people start planning which fast food joint they’ll stop at. Aren’t you sick of that? Not to Read More