The Taos Hum Mysterious Low Frequency Humming Noise

Residents in Great Britain and parts of the South Western United States have subsisted in complaining about a infuriating hum that at this moment continues to persist. Furthermore, research workers have been powerless to determine its origin. Not all individuals can hear the low pitched hum, in addition to those who say that it appears simulated in nature. In 1977, a UK newspaper received almost 800 correspondences from persons complaining of loss of sleep, light headness, shortness of breath, sore Read More

Horse Racing Handicapping, Losing Streaks and Life

Did you ever wonder how other gamblers and horseplayers handle losing streaks? I am in the middle of one, or should I say, hopefully near the end of one, as I write this. Yes even old dinosaurs like me who have played the horses since the chariot races still go through losing streaks. Let me tell you about my, “long dark night of the soul,” so that you may get something that will help you through your next rough patch. Read More