Crocodile Meat, Conservation and Wild Life

The crocodile needs to be looked after and not allowed to become dead like the Dodo. Recent events in Australia are a warning and steps need to be taken to conserve the crocodile. The Crocodile is an Endangered Species There is a lot of news of a lion killed in Zimbabwe by a trophy hunter. This was a despicable act, but the western world is not blameless in this respect. I am talking of conservation of wild life. Recently in Read More

Why Birds Lay Eggs Instead Of Giving Live Births

Humans, as do most mammals, give birth to live young. Many other species such as reptiles and some fish also give live birth. Birds, however, always give birth through the process of laying eggs. Animals that give birth to live young are called viviparous animals. Viviparous translates to reproduction inside the body of the mother. Animals that give birth by means of laying eggs are called oviparous. Loosely this translates to animals whose embryos develop outside of the body and Read More