A Morphological Study of Raysheeth – The First World Age

Morphology is the study of the various forms of things in general. The subject of study for this exercise is the Hebrew word Raysheeth. We will analyze the Hebrew Scriptures word for word in order to locate each individual instance a word is cited and how it is used in the sentence. An analysis of the Lexicon of the various Biblical Translations for Raysheeth is necessary to truly ground this argument in Scripture. Up to and until the advent of Read More

God’s Existence: Bob Dutko’s Proofs Refuted

Radio host and Christian Apologist Bob Dutko has given ten proofs for God’s existence, which is five more than professional philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig gave! But to illustrate where Dutko resides, and it can’t be on Planet Earth, Dutko not only believes that Christianity is the “Only True Religion” and therefore religions like Islam, Mormonism and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are false religions; but is anti-abortion and anti-homosexuality; believes life just cannot spring from a state of non-life; that Read More