Catering to the World’s Environmental Needs by Studying Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences are one of the most interesting subjects for children because many theories and concepts are observed in the real world. This subject also allows the children to enjoy a world of fantasy through sub categories such as dinosaurs and fossil fuels, extinct animals, and evolution. However, the significance of this subject lies in the environmental concerns of this world right now. Global warming is one of the most important topics of concern, these days. Whether the topic of Read More

The Wiggles – Entertaining and Educating Kids

The Wiggles are a musical group formed in 1991 who their music at children. The members of the group are Anthony Field, Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt and Sam Moran who took over for Greg Page. Two of the original Wiggles, Jeff Fatt and Anthony Field were members of the band “The Cockroaches” during the 1980’s. The Wiggles are performers in their own right; however they have also developed other supporting characters to entertain: – Dorothy is green yellow spotted dinosaur Read More