Trilobite Fossils

Trilobite fossils are one of the most well-known types of fossil animal groups, perhaps the second most well-known after dinosaurs, or third most after Ammonites. Trilobite fossils are quite common, varied over time (as new species evolved), and are found in many different locations around the world. As a result, trilobites are often used as “index fossils”, which is to say that by identifying the particular type of trilobite found within a rock, it is often possible to assign a Read More

Five Tips To Help Save Your Child From Tech Addiction

Could too much tech time lead to unruly behavior or even worse with your child? An Iowa teen recently ran away from home when his parents took away his cellphone. As reported by most major outlets the 13-year-old was found dead some five days later. While no one will ever know what truly caused the death of this child, and several issues could have impacted his behavior, taking away his cellphone was certainly a contributing factor to an argument between Read More