Have We Witnessed the Death of the Landline?

There are many of us who may not even have a landline in our home. Particularly the younger generation, who are forever connected and intertwined with one another through social media sites, mobile phone apps and text messaging. Now that mobile phone tariffs are perhaps cheaper than they have ever been and nearly everybody owns a personal mobile phone, landlines may perhaps be considered redundant, and rightly so. But have we lost something special along with the landline? We now Read More

The Importance of Studying Zoology

Zoology is the aspect of science that deals with the study of the animals’ evolution, habitat and behavior. Many students wonder why they need to study zoology. It is a branch of science that does not have anything to do with people so they are left wondering why they have to learn it. 1. The first answer to the question, why is zoology important to us is for humans to have an appreciation for nature. Our nature is not just Read More