10 Best Classic Sci-Fi Movies of the ’50s

Are you a black and white B-movie buff like me? No? Well, you oughta be! You’re missing some great movies. Some are so bad they’re good; if only for their entertainment value. And, some of the good ones are great! Either way they’re all classics in my book. Many, many great sci-fi classics came out of this decade, far more than 10. But, I had to choose. So, here are some of my favorites. 10. Journey to the Center of Read More

Importance of Sea Turtles to Humans

Sea turtles have been living on this planet named Earth for more than 100 million years and they have travelled throughout the oceans of the world. They are one of the oldest species living on the earth. Their body structure is so much well designed that they have even survived the extinction which the dinosaurs failed to survive. But now human beings have become the greatest threat for the survival of this mighty creature. We have destroyed the harmony of Read More