Life Is Meaningless: A Liberating Real Wellness Perspective

Introduction We trace our ancestors back about 200,000 years. Unlike the vast majority of species that ever existed, we (humans) are still here. This is not as impressive as it might sound at first. Compared with some life forms, particularly dinosaurs that ruled for about 175 million years before their extinction 65 million years ago, being around for 200,000 years is not that impressive. In addition, conditions for most humans, until quite recently, were rather grim. Life expectancy as late Read More

The Hopeful Tomorrow of Structural Engineering

Close your eyes. Think about the future and imagine the ever-growing built environment of tomorrow. How do you see it? As the current projects are already meeting the anticipated needs and desires of the next generation, we can come to a conclusion that the engineering of the future can be more spectacular than you could ever imagine. As kids, we have seen the Flintstones in a world of machines powered by birds and dinosaurs. But as we see the Jetsons Read More