Your Pets and Your Guardian Angel

If you are like most people, you consider your pets to be part of your family. You love them and receive much love in return, and you distress when they become ill or lost for even a short time. Below I’m going to give you some unique suggestions on lowering your stress level when events seem to be worrisome or even in crises situations with those lovable family members. About ten years ago, in reading spiritual articles and books, I Read More

T-Shirts – Common Terms Explained

T-shirt manufacturers use many terms to describe their products. The terms are not always consistent and it helps to have a reference guide. The following is the official Green Man T-Shirts Guide to understanding t-shirt terms: 20s, 20/1, 20s single: Unit of measurement that defines the fineness of cotton thread. A standard spool of single-ply cotton thread is comprised of 840 yards of cotton thread. If it takes 20 spools to weigh one pound, then the thread on those spools Read More