Trusting Mother Nature

In America today, childbirth has become a medical condition requiring constant surveillance and interventions in an institutional theater designed for efficiency. Whether laboring women require such interventions is questionable since birthing is a natural event which our bodies are biologically designed to do. A calm environment actually sets the whole thing in motion. In the article “Fear versus Trust: The Impact of Fear on Birth Experiences and Maternal Outcomes,” researchers from the Birth Wisdom Project reveal why the United States Read More

10 Ways to Avoid a C-Section

The cesarean section rate in the United States was 4.5% in 1965; today it is over 30%! There are many things that can set you up for a successful natural birth and many things that increase your chances of a c-section. The most common explanations for why a cesarean was performed are “failure to progress,” “fetal distress,” “cephalopelvic disproportion” (your pelvis is too small) and the baby’s positioning. Often these diagnoses are questionable and can be avoided. Here are the Read More