3 Weird But True Internet Laws

There are all kinds of internet laws; good ones, bad ones, and some that are just plain weird. The weird but true internet laws are what we are going to focus on today. These three laws come from all around the world, and can really make you shake your head in wonder at the sheer insanity of it all. #1: It is illegal in the State of Tennessee (USA) to post/send “distressing” images using the internet Yes, you heard that Read More

Broken Heart First Aid: Self-Help for Those First Few Weeks

The person you hoped to spend your life with has left you, for whatever reason, and your heart is broken. Initially, that pain and heart-ache is unbearable and you don’t know how you’re going to get through the next minute, let alone the next day. Obviously, you need to go through a grieving process for the lost relationship, and that will take time. However, you can help yourself through the first acute stages of pain and distress with these simple, Read More