The Sweating Racehorse

The record heat of the summer of 2012, to say nothing of the prospect of more to come in this era of climate change, brings to the forefront the question of the sweating horse and what it means to a wagering decision. Is the horse sweating because of the heat, because he’s sick, or because he has something on his mind? Here are some ideas to help you make a decision about the importance of sweat. Sometimes it really is Read More

Do You Have OCD? Brainwave Entrainment Takes The Pressure Off

It’s all in the brain and what’s going on in there. Obsessive-compulsive disorder isn’t something that happens to a very few. It’s very common, and if the mannerisms are chronic, you will suffer a significant amount of distress and impairment in your everyday living. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that manifests as obsessions that you just can’t seem to get rid of. After you start obsessing, you engage in compulsive actions that relate to the obsessive thoughts. Symptoms of Read More