Soothing a Distressed, Sore Penis – How to Heal From Vibrator Damage

Few things give a man more pleasure than a powerful ejaculation, but the overactive pursuit of this goal can occasionally lead to a sore penis. Vibrators, long the province of sensual women, have over the years become more acceptable as a male orgasmic aid. Those who may overindulge in vibratory pleasures may need to take steps to ensure they practice proper penis care to promote healing. The old reliable model When men thank of vibrators, most probably think of the Read More

How to Cope With Unavoidable Suffering

Unavoidable suffering is a condition of existence, a part of the mystery that shrouds every life. It is usually the result of broken attachments to those we love or the loss of something cherished. It cannot be prevented because death and perpetual change are uncontrollable givens of living. On the other hand, much suffering can be prevented by making wise choices. But there is so much more unavoidable suffering that we refuse to acknowledge as the expected consequence of the Read More