Full Body Massage

A Full Body Massage Is One Of The Simple Ways To Relax You Choosing what kind of massage is best for you is not generally a simple undertaking. Typically, massage specialists will either concentrate on a focused or full body massage. It is good for you to select one of the best massage therapies for you as per your own needs. Many of peoples like to get full body massage service for them. Directed treatments concentrate on a particular piece Read More

Highly Sensitive People: Why Therapists Should Care About High Sensitivity

High Sensitivity is a naturally occurring and non-pathological individual difference which is associated with a detailed cognitive processing style and usually, but not always with introverted temperament. Social psychologist Elaine Aron ‘s (1995) suggests that 15 to 20% of the general population will have the innate temperamental difference which she calls “High Sensitivity” (HS), or for research purposes, Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS). 30% to 50% of our therapy clients may be affected High Sensitivity may play an unsuspected role in Read More