Finding Happiness Within a Distressed Economy

Throughout recent years, the United States and most of the rest of the countries of the world have struggled with economic recession. Many people believe that more money will bring them more happiness. Ironically, research demonstrates that beyond the necessities, increased wealth is not a predictor of increased happiness. In this regard, I invite you to consider my following paradox. According to the former president of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Martin Seligman, “our economy is rapidly changing from a Read More

The Value of a Relationship Approach to Autism

In aiding children with developmental challenges, we must first realize that this requires a team effort and a strengths based approach. It is necessary to not focus on what the child cannot do but look at what the child can accomplish and build upon this. Parents can enlist the support of professionals but must realize that it is they who are the most important persons in the child’s life and that furthering the development of their child is not just Read More