Knight in Shining Armor Syndrome

Unless you just came out of a coma, you know that the late Anna Nicole Smith’s ex-boyfriend is Larry Birkhead. He has been in the news since he announced he was the father of Dannielynn. One interviewer asked him why he continued to stay in the relationship despite Anna Nicole’s drug use. He said he thought he could “save her”. He had “knight in shining armor syndrome”. In her book, “Why We Love” author Helen Fisher states that: millions of Read More

How Fostering Benefits a Child

There are also many individuals who find that they want to try fostering children in order to contribute time and effort to help improve the life of someone less fortunate. Here are some of the benefits that fostering children can have on the child himself or herself. First of all, fostering can allow children a great degree of respite when they are going through temporary family troubles. This can be a great help and allow them to regain some security Read More