Urban Industrial Furniture and Interiors

Industrial interior design style is characterized by concrete floors, brick walls, exposed wood ceiling beams and pipes, unfinished paint, rustic wood and earthy finishes. Mix it with some farmhouse styled furniture and urban polished surfaces and you get the trendier upstate look. A few industrial elements but tempered by smoother finishes such as gray sanded armoires and whitewashed cabinets with polished natural brass ornamentation. Create a careful balance of industrial style and refined elements with the aesthetic appeal of the Read More

Reasons Why Local Banks in Cameroon Failed Within the 1980-1990 Peroid

Financial distress has afflicted numerous local banks IN Cameroon, many of which have been closed down by the regulatory authorities or have been restructured under their supervision. In Cameroon banks such as the B.I.C.I.C. Meridian B.I.A.O. Cameroon Bank were closed Many more local banks were distressed and subject to some form of “holding action”. Failed local banks accounted for as much as 23 per cent of total commercial bank assets in Cameroon. The cost of these bank failures is very Read More