Hypnosis Cures Procrastination and Self-Sabotage: Unstuck Yourself, Move Forward!

THE SOURCE OF PROCRASTINATION This may sound familiar: you want to start a project and want to reach a positive goal. However, you put off getting started, because each time you try taking action, for some unknown reason, you experience feelings of distress, confusion and fear. You try to use willpower, but it does not work. Gradually, you start losing motivation and enthusiasm. And eventually you wind up dreading the idea of starting that project, since it involves too much Read More

Gluten Intolerance Often Leads to Psoriasis and Eczema

Several recently published articles have confirmed a correlation between patients with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity and those who also suffer from psoriasis and eczema, and that gluten sensitivity runs in the family[1]. These studies finally bring to light something people who have chosen a gluten-free lifestyle have known for years. Skin disorders can be caused by gluten sensitivity (GS) and living a strict gluten-free diet can alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema. And, gluten sensitivity is often present Read More