We Must Be Safe From Both Internal and External Terrorists

While it may be, somewhat, simpler, to focus on the risks, America faces, from the outside, rather, than, realistically, considering, and objecting evaluating the needs, goals, and priorities, from within, it is, dangerous, and simplistic, to do so! In the 2016 Presidential elections, the United States of America elected a candidate, who supported to negative rhetoric, empty promises, and vitriol, seeming to accept his tendency, to complain and blame others. Donald Trump has proceeded, as President, with the same tone, Read More

Why, This Isn’t NORMAL!

While, part of living in an ever – evolving world, includes, witnessing certain things, which may seem different, and/ or, trend – setting, never before, in recent memory, have Americans witnessed, such a dramatic change, in policies, rhetoric, behavior, etc, when a new President assumes office! Certainly, our Presidents, want to put their personal – stamps, on their leadership, especially, in the areas of priorities, policies, emphasis, and, how they articulate their messages, etc. However, few, remember, any previous administration, Read More