Personal/ Political Agenda, Or Common Good?

How often have you heard, some politician or elected official, claim, they will serve their constituents, and focus on what’s best, yet, their actions appear, primarily based on their personal/ political agenda, and self – interest? It reminds me of the famous line, from the movie, Network, when the protagonist screams, I’m sick and tired, and not going to take it any more! In over four decades of involvement in politics, and having worked on several campaigns, I believe, we Read More

The Illusion Of Certainty: How The Flawed Beliefs Of Religion Harm Our Culture

Introduction Tom Stayer has gained a great deal of attention by spending 20 million dollars promoting the case for impeaching Donald Trump. It is not uncommon for the one percent class to spend big on passions they embrace. In 2016, donations from the top 50 wealthiest Americans totaled $50.7 billion. Alas, I am a few billion short of being in position to fund a campaign of any kind, but if this book review results in a windfall of epic proportions, Read More