Don’t Character, Ethics, Or Integrity, Matter, Any More?

What does it say, or indicate about us, as a nation, when/ if, it becomes acceptable, as the norm, for an elected official, to consider himself exonerated, when, it merely, can’t be proven, any law, has either be committed, or, at least, proven? Shouldn’t those, we elect, to represent us, and serve our nation, be held to a somewhat higher degree, when it comes to his quality of character, personal ethics, integrity, and/ or, behavior? When the acting Chief of Read More

The Dangers Of Trump’s Mixed-Messages: 5 Examples

It’s often been said, one of the most meaningful, relevant necessities of any public official, is earning the trust, from, both those, he serves and represents, within this country, as well as how he’s perceived, on the international stage! One of the essential aspects/ components, is, most of us, seek a high degree of consistency, rather than inconsistency, in the message, these people provide, and articulate! Perhaps, unlike any time, in recent memory, we have witnessed, since the election of Read More