What Ethical Standards, Should Elected Officials, Be Held To?

Nearly every public opinion poll, declares, most Americans, consider their politicians, and public officials, among the lowest, in terms of how they rate, in terms of integrity, and ethical behavior. While, this, in itself, should be concerning, and distressing, in the past couple of years, it seems, many, have significantly lowered their expectations, if someone, focuses on a personal/ political agenda, perceived as benefiting, some individual’s self – interest! Whether one agrees with, and/ or supports, President Donald Trump, nearly Read More

Should Public Officials Be Held, To A Higher Standard?

The integrity, ethics, and character of those, we elect, to serve and represent us (especially to higher offices, such as President, Vice President, Senator, Governor, Congressman, etc), should not be, merely a partisan, issue, but rather, considered, a central characteristic, and necessity, of holding office! We learn, so much about any individual, by closely examining, how they react, when faced with a choice, between doing the right thing, and the expedient one. Robert Frost wrote about the choices, we take, Read More