The FINE Line Between Focusing On Issues, Versus Rhetoric

Although, we have, perhaps, become far, too accustomed to politicians, stretching – the – truth, it seems, in recent years, this line, has become blurred. This is due, probably, to, the electorate, accepting, being represented, by individuals, who make empty promises, use rhetoric and vitriol, and try to appeal, to our worst instincts, instead of making any attempt at seeking a meeting – of – the – minds, for the common good! When voters don’t pay sufficient attention, they risk, Read More

Perceptions, Priorities, And Prejudices: America’s Current Enemy

While the incumbent, President of the United States, successfully campaigned, in 2016, using the slogan, Make America Great Again, it seems, to many, that message was far, more focused, on dividing this nation, than unifying us, and/ or, maintaining our greatness! Let’s refer to these, as the 3 P’s of weakening our country, because, when, politicians appear to skew/ falsely state priorities, provide and feed perceptions (rather than proceeding in a relevant manner), and articulate a message, based on false/ Read More