Trump Network – Ideal Health Expert Review

Trump Network was created through a merger between Donald Trump and Ideal Health.  Ideal Health was started in 1997 and is based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.  It is a supplement company that markets a urine test that is designed to determine an individuals metabolic trends and nutritional status.  Based on the results of the urine test and the answers on a questionare, customers are provided with monthly supplements designed to meet their individual needs. The Trump Network has given Ideal Read More

Border Security, Versus, The Wall

How many times, will we have to, endure, this constant, political rhetoric, which equates, border security, with using billions, of dollars, to build, a wall, along our Southern border? Perhaps because, as a candidate, Donald Trump, consistently called for a wall, his core supporters, and he, feel it’s essential, even though, the vast majority of experts, state, it is an ineffective, overly expensive way, of proceeding? Or, is this merely, another example (albeit, an extreme one), of appealing to one’s Read More