Pay Attention To The CLIMATE, Or Forget About Our Future!

While many politicians articulate a politically – correct message, claiming their support for environmental protections, including clean air and water, few seem to have any sort of viable plan, rather than mere, empty promises, and rhetoric. Former New York City Mayor, Mike Bloomberg, who is also, is, the United Nations Special Envoy for climate change (for several years), is an exception. He’s a politician and billionaire, who consistently puts his money, where his mouth is, donating hundreds of millions of Read More

Wake – Up, America: Elections Have Ramifications!

While, Americans have the right, to vote, I often, feel, it’s a shame, it’s not, also, an obligation, to do so, responsibly, and in a well – considered manner! For example, in the 2016 Presidential elections (and, historically, the largest voter turnout is for the vote, for President), less than half, the eligible voters, exercised this right. Because of this, a well – coordinated, motivated minority, can elect someone, regardless of, whether, he is best – suited, for the position! Read More