How Neglecting Environmental Safety, Today, Will Threaten Future Generations?

One of the greatest threats, to the future of America, and our planet, is a politician, who, proceeds, in a short – sighted, apparently, greedy manner, without seeming to, either consider, or care, about the future impacts and ramifications! Unfortunately, it seems, this is precisely, what we have been witnessing, for the past two years, when, the leader of the free world, in contrast to his predecessors, has seemed to do, whatever he possibly could, to eliminate precious environmental protections, Read More

Donald Trump on Network Marketing Companies and Residual Income

Internet Networking Companies – A New York for Donald? Recently Donald Trump launched his very own MLM Business Opportunity based around the Health industry. Its called The Trump Network. While we all know that Donald is the king of Real Estate he has recognized the power of the Internet and Network Marketing Companies. He has launched a full campaign into building Internet Assets such as Residual Income through this new venture. Building residual income in this manner has and always Read More