Universal Income Is Probably A Very Bad Idea Even If Small Scale Pilot Programs Show It Working

Perhaps you’ve heard the call for a ‘universal income’ to prevent poverty and bring a little more to the proverbial goal of equality. Well, it turns out many countries are considering this and a few already have such a thing. Most of us in capitalist countries hesitate at the thought of such a concept, as it is a disincentive for those at the bottom to climb up and out of poverty. Still, you’d be surprised how much traction this idea Read More

Who Is Reading What Books?

Have you ever gone into someone’s home or office and looked upon their library to see what kind of books are on the shelf? You can tell much about a person by what books they read. You can also tell a lot about a person by how they dress, how they eat, who they associate with, what they do for a living, etc. Without deliberately trying to find out information, we learn more about people just by observing. In essence, Read More