Driving And Texting A Bad Mix

Driving and texting is a bad mix. Save a life maybe your own! I was driving my brand new 50 year Anniversary Ruby Red Mustang with my husband in the passenger seat on a bright clear sunny day with temperatures in the 40's on April 18, 2015. We were waiting patiently at a yield sign for the traffic to clear when we felt a heavy jolt on our seats. The SUV behind us had plowed into the back seat of Read More

Sciatica Pain From Driving – Not For Long!

If you suffer from sciatica pain, you know that is sucks. It sucks in the morning, while you’re sleeping, while your working, and – while you’re driving! What you need are some effective sciatica remedies that will help you’re sciatica pain while driving. I know this has happened to you. You’re having a great day. You feel pain free. You get in the car to drive home from work. You crank up the radio. You pull out onto the main Read More