Texting Tips For Men – Flirting and Wordplay

Text messaging is totally godsend. With this new innovation, you can definitely communicate with the women you’ve been eying for the longest time in just a press of a button. There’s no pressure, no demands and is the most accessible way to flirt nowadays. Having the gadget and your girl’s number are not enough. To guide you through it like a breeze, here are some texting tips for men that have guaranteed to make your girl hooked on you for Read More

How to Win Her Heart Back? Here is How to Make Her Feel the Same Old Attraction For You

A lot of men take their break ups so seriously that they lose out on enjoying life. A break up is not the end of your world and when your ex is able to see that they normally come back. Here is what you should do to win her heart back. Forget the repeated apology She is obviously annoyed at this moment. How do you think chewing her brains by calling her and badgering her with pleas to forgive you Read More