How to Become the Ultimate Man of Attraction (And Get Women Totally Addicted to You)

Do you want to become the ultimate man of attraction? The type of man who catches the eye of almost every beautiful woman wherever he goes? If you do, then you will not want to leave your computer for the next few minutes. Here is how you can become the man which women are TOTALLY addicted to. How to Become the Ultimate Man of Attraction (and Get Women Totally Addicted to You) So what is the ultimate man? Let me Read More

The Dreaded Prison Burpee Ladder!

Its been said that there is nothing truly new under the sun in strength & conditioning, only different ways of re-packaging it. What sounds new to you or I, has most likely been around for YEARS. And if it ever sounds too good to be true, then it is. You see, you don’t need fancy equipment or expensive machines to get in phenomenal shape, and anyone that tells you otherwise probably sells that equipment. As I’ve addressed in other articles, Read More