Earth Shattering Orgasms for Men – Educate Your Teenage Boy to Masturbate Slowly

At birth every human male baby is born with an A1, top-notch multi-orgasmic wiring system, when activated correctly at puberty, is capable of achieving incredible and spectacular out-of-this-world orgasms. In the scheme of things, males are not on this earth long enough, to fully explore the infinite heights of all-body energy orgasms, and multiple orgasms, with delayed ejaculation, which is every mans god-given right! Recreational All-Body Orgasm Any mans, pubescent, self-taught masturbation technique, with some minor tweaking, can change an Read More

How To Wholesale Real Estate and Get Quick Cash

Out of all the ways to make money in real estate investing – Wholesaling and quite honestly is one of my favorites, personally. It is the strategy we used to avoid financial disaster in 2001, when the events of 9/11 caused the collapse of my aviation business. Wholesaling is when you get a property under control and assign your interests to another investor at a marked-up price. And if it appears that I have chosen my words very carefully, you Read More