Tapioca Pudding – What the Heck Are Those Little Balls?

My wife made the mistake of asking me the other night if I knew what exactly is Tapioca. I had no clue. I know I like it. I consider it about a 7 out of 10 on the “yummy” scale. Yes curiosity killed the cat but it also compelled me to find the true story behind Tapioca pudding. What I discovered you may find interesting but it is not the stuff that Hollywood movies are made of. Or at least Read More

How to Write Your Ad So That It Sells

HOW TO WRITE ADVERTISING THAT SELLS. First of all, you have to know that folks buy ONLY to get benefits. So, it would make sense that you need to make a list of all the benefits someone might receive. Then you must remember that benefits, generally sound hollow, unless you have facts and features that support the benefits those folk will get. So, make a list of all the supporting features that make the benefits believable. Now, you must weave Read More