Street Fighting Moves – Do You Know the 4 Reasons Why a "Fair" Fight is a Fool’s Fight?

Do you believe in a “fair” fight? Well, if you do, I would like to invite you over to my house to meet the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause. In this article, I will give you the 4 reasons why a “fair” fight is a fool’s fight. How Do You – How Can You Define A “Fair” Fight? Well, let’s see. We could start by saying a “fair” fight is one of honor, chivalry and gentlemanly conduct. What the… ! Read More

Masturbation With a Pal: Helpful Hints

Clearly, masturbation is just about the most fun a guy can have alone – but, as many people know, it doesn’t always have to be a solo activity. Many men have masturbated in company with a bro; many others would like to, but don’t know how to get it started. Fortunately, the following hints can help a guy who desires a little company while masturbating. And a guy who practices good penis care will have a member that’s worth showing Read More