Scratching the Itchy Penis in Public

Okay, so self-control is a wonderful thing – but there are some times when a guy simply has no choice but to let his hands wander over his penis, no matter what the consequences, even if he is in public. No, we’re not talking about masturbation here – just about how sometimes a guy has no choice with an itchy penis but to give it a scratch or two. Even men whose penis care routines rate ten out of ten Read More

Keynote Speakers – Engage Your Audience

What captivating content are you sharing with the masses via your public speaking engagements? Do you have a message the world must hear? Or are you just sharing the latest company update? Either way, if your audience doesn’t hear it, you’re wasting your time… Captivate the audience first – Some speakers tell a joke or lighten up the audience by speaking about some notorious event that happened on the way to speak to them… But there are times when you Read More