E-Commerce Packaging Redefines First Moment of Truth

First moment of truth or FMOT refers to the idea that consumers make their purchasing decision within three to seven seconds of encountering a product. Within these few seconds the product needs to WOW the consumer. It has to appeal to their senses, values and emotions.This role was earlier fulfilled by the product packaging. With the dawn of e-commerce, the definition of FMOT needs to be redefined for a new generation of buyers. E-commerce packaging now plays the crucial role Read More

E-Commerce Packages: This One or That One?

Cyber space is flooded with all types of solutions that you can’t even imagine. With increasing trend of online shopping & ecommerce sites, online market has become a battle field for countless ecommerce packages offered by top companies. These ecommerce packages are eye-catching when you are not having technical skills and sufficient finance to develop a custom solution. These ecommerce packages certainly answer all your requirements. But before opting for any ecommerce package, make sure you have clicked the right Read More