5 Steps to Tsunami Preparedness

Indonesia 2004, Chile 2010, Japan 2011: Sizable earthquakes caused Tsunamis that rippled across the Pacific Ocean affecting far more people than just the ones close enough to feel the tremors. When one Pacific Rim country experiences seismic activity, other areas along the rim will have an event in the very near future and frequently that means Tsunami. It’s just as important to remember that the Atlantic coastline and even the Gulf of Mexico are just as likely to catch a Read More

Christchurch and Our Introduction to New Zealand

New Zealand, the land of the Kiwi bird, of sheep and cattle, mountains, rivers and lakes, and beautiful natural scenery. And Christchurch, the city that two years ago suffered two serious earthquakes and has had at least 10,000 follow-up tremors since then. When we arrived in Christchurch, we found it to be much cooler than we had anticipated especially after Australia but our welcome was warm. On our first night there, we went to the home of a New Zealand Read More