Getting Started in ECommerce – Part Two

In Part One we talked a little bit about what Ecommerce is, getting a domain name and setting up a merchant account. Ecommerce is more than that, much more. To have a really good online presence that gets people to stop and shop you need a strategy for success. Your strategy must include your USP or Unique Selling Position in the marketplace. What makes you stand out from all the other online entrepreneurs looking for the same type of customers Read More

5 Easy Marketing Tips For Your ECommerce Store

If you have an eCommerce store, whether you sell physical products or digital products, here are 5 easy ways to market your products. 1. Build an Email List To build your list, you can offer coupon discounts if they sign up, sign up everyone who buys from you, and maybe give away a free digital product to your subscribers that relates to them and solves a problem for them. It’s easy to create a free PDF checklist or something that Read More