Starting An Online Business? ECommerce Solutions – The Conclusion

Over the past few weeks we have covered the various aspects of setting up an online business and what a business owner needs to create to become successful with their ecommerce solution. Operating any business is hard work offline or online, so by managing both, the business owner takes on the responsibility of dictating offline and online strategies to best suit their business. By going over the various guides that I have previously created, the business owner will have an Read More

Ecommerce Threats & Solutions

eCommerce has forever revolutionized the way business is done. Retail has now a long way from the days of physical transactions that were time consuming and prone to errors. However, eCommerce has unavoidably invited its share of trouble makers. As much as eCommerce simplifies transactions, it is occasionally plagued by serious concerns that jeopardize its security as a medium of exchanging money and information. Major threats to present day eCommerce include Breach of Security: Money Thefts eCommerce services are about Read More